Music Should Save Your Life

I recently got to spend three days on the psych ward getting my meds adjusted.

I didn’t have a go bag, and my husband, who is wonderful and whom I both love and like, forgot on both visits to bring me a book or a sketchbook and markers.

The TV was in the room with everyone else.

I. Was. So. Fucking. Bored.

So l sat on my bed practicing moving my fingers independently of each other. I want to learn guitar, so that was useful.

I also want to learn to draw, so I broke down everything I could see into its composite shape, as if I were drawing it.

But it was the songs that got me through.

I sang, in my head, all of my favorite songs.

Spoiler: I have a lot of favorite songs.

Music should save your life. It should matter. It should have substance, even if it seems like just a bop.

Do you get goosebumps listening to music? Only about half of people do.

I’m fortunate that I do.

Because if you don’t get chills listening to this, you’re missing something.




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